Protecting Your Eyesight Everywhere You Go

We’ve got you covered whether you need eyewear for high contact sports or you need it for your job.
At The Optical Connection, your eye safety is our priority, so we offer an extensive range of eyewear and coatings to ensure your eyes are always protected.
Our Brands

A first among the safety eyewear industry, the Armourx Collection combines fashion and unique designs for safety eyewear in the workplace. Armourx was developed by one of Canada’s leading eyewear companies. With an extensive background in creating eyewear that is fashion-forward and high in quality craftsmanship, the Armourx Collection is both stylish and functional. Each frame provides standardized eye-protection for the workplace. Look stylish and feel comfortable in Armourx’s collections from Wrap-Rx and Metro to Classic, Basic, Titanium and RealTree.

Oakley invents each new product with a design philosophy called sculptural physics: the discipline of solving problems with science and wrapping them in art. Supported by an infrastructure that includes the latest tools of technology, Oakley engineers and artisans continue to expand the company’s array of product categories.

Find Us in Ajax

Visit Our Store
The Optical Connection is located in the Durham Centre Mall, where you can find a chic outfit to match your new glasses.
Where Can I Park?
You’ll find plenty of parking in the Durham Centre Mall parking lot.
Our Address
- 140 Kingston Rd E Unit K001
- Ajax, ON L1Z 1G1
Connect With Us
- Phone: 905-683-3383
- Email: [email protected]
Our Business Hours
- Monday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Thursday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Friday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Saturday: 11:00 AM – 7:30 PM
- Sunday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Our Brands